Free Telekinesis Training

Simple, Free & Effective Methods for Developing Telekinetic Abilities


Before we discuss our mindset, I think I should mention briefly the brain itself. Ormus, detoxification, proper hydration, meditation, and a diet of mostly raw, organic food will improve brain function tremendously.


The brain is literally made of what we eat, and its’ electrical activity is directly linked to our intake of real salt. Use that white stuff in your salt shaker to kill weeds or something and start eating Himalayan salt.


The photograph on your right illustrates the electrical activity of a man’s brain before and after taking Ormus. The balancing of the two hemispheres of  our brain can also be achieved via meditation, playing a musical instrument, or just being artistically creative.   

Lesson Two

Step Three

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"You were absolutely right Trebor. I stopped trying and thinking so much and now my psi wheel spins like crazy. I cant control the direction or speed yet but I am thrilled just to see it move. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the tutorials and good advice.”  ~Dalton Davis



Ormus, meditation and being creative help to balance our brain.

Kirlian photography of an imbalanced and balanced brain.


Perhaps the first step toward getting in the proper mindset is to stop believing and start knowing that TK is real. To help convince your logical mind that PSI is real I recommend you study the works of Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Robert Jahn, Global Consciousness Project or others. These people can explain the physics and mechanics of how TK works better than I. Quantum physicists have scientifically observed that matter is 99.999% empty space and they have observed non-local interaction between pericles which better explains why TK works. Studying these two fields of research may help you comprehend and validate your belief in TK.


The proper mindset for telekinesis is  sort of a trancelike state, but most people don’t really know what a trance is or how to subdue their thoughts long enough to enter one. This is why people who meditate, musicians, artists, and athletes often succeed at TK much sooner than others. These people are accustomed to entering a trancelike state. In meditation we may call it Zen or bliss. A musician or athlete may call it “getting in the grove” or “in the flow”. It is a state of mind that seems to function effortlessly and intuitively rather than intentionally and logically.  


We all enter a trance called the hypnagogic state right before we fall asleep.  Another unintentional trance we experience is called zoning out, day dreaming or spacing out. A huge part of entering a trance is shutting down our logical mind and relaxing our focal gaze into sort of a blank stare where everything in our visions becomes flat, evenly focused and two dimensional.


Use this Vesica Piscis symbol to practice setting your gaze and maintaining your trance. Suggestions below.   









Notice your powers of perception can make either the left or the right circle appear to be on top. This is the product of logical thought and bifocal vision. The point of this exercise is to soften and broaden your gaze so you see these two overlapping circles as one complete object. Distribute your focus evenly over the entire image and it should begin to look like two opposing crescent moons. Maintain the two moons image as long as possible. Using your peripheral vision and doing  this Vesica Piscis exercise daily will help you train your brain and your eyes for performing telekinesis. We don’t see one thing. We see everything as one.


I believe our normal bifocal vision keeps our left brain engaged which makes telekinesis difficult if not impossible. Meditate often and practice relaxing and spreading your focus evenly every chance you get. These little tricks of the trade are not only the key to learning telekinesis, this gaze is used for many other PSI related skills as well.  When in doubt, I often look for this dazed or blank stare in the eyes of psychic practitioners to determine if they are legitimate.  Normal eyes usually means no paranormal activity.


For many, maintaining the proper frame of mind during telekinesis is the most difficult part of the Empathy+Mindset+Energy equation. You will find, empathy becomes easier with practice, and there are plenty of ways to ramp up our energy, but logical thoughts and emotional reactions to our TK experiences seem automatic or instinctual, but they are not. As the craft itself will ultimately teach all practitioners, our ego based thoughts, desires, and emotions are the three biggest stumbling blocks.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. High energy, calm emotions, and low brainwaves is the recipe for telekinetic success. TK is not a battle of human will and extreme mental focus verses matter as preached by charlatans. And it is not an uncontrollable freak of nature that happens when we are emotionally supercharged as we see in Hollywood movies. Based on my experience telekinesis is a selfless and sacred act that requires us to transcend our ego, emotions, and thoughts so we can see and interact with reality from a unified perspective. Nothing is solid. Nothing is still. Nothing is separate. Nothing is real. All is one.   













Trebor's You Tube Channel Private PK Lessons
Sacred PSI Boosting Elixirs

The Ultimate TK Training Tool

Egely Wheel